
Happy Monday!

Sorry for the brief hiatus but my pinched nerve in my neck started kicking in :(. BUT GUESS WHAT TODAY IS? MY BIRTHDAY!

No big shoots or fancy outfit updates, but I did want to talk about a project that I recently fell in love with : #TooSelf.

For as long as I can remember, the concept of beauty has always been defined by society. Society’s standard of beauty was always set by the “It Girl” or the Sexiest Men Alive lists that come out every year.  With these “idols” setting the standard of the what “true beauty” looks like, everyone else is either told they are “TOO” this or “TOO” that.  With those concepts in mind, Devin Jeter created the Too Self Project.


Devin Jeter is a 25-year-old Bostonian, who just located to NYC. Her personal life mission to spread positive energy and help those find their light from within stems from her everyday awareness of the world. Devin says, “It bothers me to see others not love themselves, because I know how it feels.” Her brand, DevaFest, is dedicated to bringing awareness to how important self-love is and how we can bring this awareness in our everyday lives.

Through her #TOOSELF project, she captures pictures of those who have been often told, you are TOO SKINNY or TOO FAT or TOO SHY, or my favorite TOO OUTSPOKEN. The images portray women in who are learning to bask in their insecurities and question their purpose. Is your purpose to live at the standards of other people or to define your own? DevaFest challenges of person to build on their insecurities and make them securities!


We are given choices in life. Pressured to be the same. Look the same. Feel the same. Our body is our temple in which we always remember to prioritize decorating. But a lot of people lack the connection with their own soul, while trying to catch the approval of others. We forget to live for ourselves. It is easy for us to get “lost in the sauce” with keeping up with demands of others.


Although they may mute your voice, energy can be the loudest form of speech before words leave your lips.

Society gives us a picture and we have the choice to believe it or not. Write down the pros and cons of your choices. Is it a permanent choice for a temporary emotion?+2

DevaFest challenges you to take the leap and not only love yourself but stay true to yourself.

Call to Action: So we want you guys to take a picture of yourself hiding whatever it is that makes you feel the most secure. Embrace your insecurity(s)! Make sure you post it on Instagram #TTS #Devafest with a simple caption to explain your picture. Let the picture do most of the talking! The competition will be a week long, starting DECEMBER 1st-7th. The person with the most compelling story will be given a prize! Now remember, no person’s story is more delicate than another person’s story. But DevaFest is looking for someone who’s fought against the odds or even loved themselves when society has told them not too!

Make sure you visit DEVAFEST’s Instagram for more details!



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